IQ Protocol
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The Red Village

WELCOME TO TRV SEASON TWO The Red Village is the leading dark fantasy game franchise. Begin your journey with a formidable Champion, and compete for glory in the eyes of the Blood Queen.

Dec 2023: IQ Protocol presents TRV Season Two: Winter Mayhem To celebrate the launch of IQ Market V2, we’re teaming up with TRV for an EPIC tournament to reward players with $5000 USD & 20K locked $IQT

Please note: To be eligible for Prizes, TRV Champions must be listed on IQ Market V2, please de-list NFTs from V1 and re-list on V2.

Get all the details on how to participate and win! Season Two: Winter Mayhem User Guide

Questions? Tournament mechanics/ gameplay, ask inside The Red Village Discord. IQ Market/Rentals, ask inside IQ Discord